EXPRO grant on personalised medicines
3 December 20182019 IGA projects
1 March 2019
Members of the Chobotix group have been successful in the latest round of competition for the Zeta projects, funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic (TAČR). The Zeta scheme is aimed at supporting applied research projects driven by young investigators with a high potential for translation to industrial practice. The sucessful projects from our group are:
- TJ02000143 Kuličkomat pro přípravu tekutých kuliček (Instrument for automated manufacture of liquid marbles)
- TJ02000383 Metoda výroby lékové formy, personalizované pro potřeby konkrétního pacienta za pomoci matematické simulace a 3D tisku (Methodology for the design of personalised medicines by mathematical modelling and 3D printing)
- TJ02000095 Sprejobot – robot pro urychlení vývoje lékové formulace (Spray-robot for the accelerated development of pharmaceutical formulations)