New patent on liquid marbles
16 March 202112th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics
20 May 2021Many congratulations to our PhD student Martin Balouch on his publication “In-silico screening of drug candidates for thermoresponsive liposome formulations”, which has been selected for the front journal cover of Molecular Systems Design and Engineering, published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. The work, which was carried out in collaboration between VŠCHT Praha and Palacký University in Olomouc and supported by The PARC, reports on a computational methodology for the selection of active pharmaceutical ingredients that are suitable for encapsulation into liposomes based on stability, capacity and permeation rate. This computational methodology has the potential to accelerate the development process of new medicines, and improve the efficacy and bioavailability of active pharmaceutical ingredients via delivery in liposomal formulations. Well done all authors for this important piece of work!