Martin Roudný wins Czech academic championships in orienteering
7 September 2023New PhD students join Chobotix
28 September 2023A strong representation of PhD students from the Chobotix group participated at a Science Day in Zentiva, a Czech pharmaceutical company and our main industrial collaborator and partner within The PARC consortium. The event was opened by prof. František Štěpánek, the Scientific Director of The PARC, Dr. Ondřej Dammer, the Executive Director of The PARC, Dr. Martin Albert, the Chief Scientific Officer of Zentiva, and Dr. Steffen Saltofte, the CEO of Zentiva. Many thanks to all presenters for sharing your work with a broader audience and for keenly discussing your research projects not only with technical specialists from R&D and manufacturing, but also with colleagues from other branches of the company. The event was a success, so let’s keep up the great work!

Photo credit: Dr. David Smrčka