On the occasion of 100 years since the word “Robot” was first coined by the Czech playwright Karel Čapek in his science-fiction drama R.U.R., our colleague […]
Many congratulations to the 2020 cohort of MSc graduates who successfully defended their Masters’ theses and passed the State Exam, thus officially earning the academic degree […]
Many congratulations to the glucan team for being awarded a national patent on a new process for drug encapsulation by spray drying. The patent titled “Method of […]
Many congratulations to our colleague Dr Ivan Rehor for the acceptance of his manuscript “Arbitrarily-shaped microgels composed of chemically unmodified biopolymers” on the back cover of […]
Many congratulation to our colleague Jitka Cejkova for successfully defending her habilitation thesis in front of the Faculty Research Committee today, thus earning the academic degree […]
Motivated by the current shortage of FFP3 respirators for front-line medical staff, Chobotix PhD student Marek Šoltys together with our colleague Dr. Ivan Řehoř investigated the […]
Many congratulations to Martin Balouch for being awarded the prestigious Werner von Siemens Award for 2nd place in the best diploma thesis category! With 833 entries, […]
The head of Chobotix, prof. Frantisek Stepanek, has participated as a speaker and panelist at the Science Fuels Modern Business event organised by the Neuron Fund. […]