Multilobed liposomes on ACS front cover
21 June 2021ISAL Distinguished Researcher Award for Jitka
2 August 2021Many congratulations to Ondrej Navratil and Erik Sonntag for being selected among the recipients of the 2021 AAPS Best Abstract Award. This award brings attention to the most exciting research to be found in the posters, based on abstracts that are submitted and screened before the event. Ondrej’s work titled “Evaluation of Solvent Transport Properties in Drying Thin Films of Pharmaceutical Coatings: Model and Experiment” and Erik’s work titled “In Vitro Programmable API Release from Long-Acting Prodrug Nano-suspension” were ranked in the top 10 % of abstracts by the AAPS Abstract Screening Committee and will be presented at the AAPS PharmSci 360 conference in Philadelphia later this year.