Prof. Štěpánek has participated as invited speaker at the “The Role of Competitive Research Funding in Science” event organised at the Institute of Science and Technology […]
Many congratulations to Miška Gajdošová, Nina Kušnírová Sarvašová, and ZhaoZhou, for defending their PhD theses. Thank you for your work and all the best for the […]
Many congratulations to Suada Djukaj, Zuzana Ruberová, Vojěch Klimša, Adam Waněk and Dominik Švára for successfully defending their theses and passing the state exams. Thank you for […]
Many congratulations to Jitka Čejková for winning the Outstanding Paper Award at the ALIFE 2018 conference in Tokyo for her work titled “Droplets as liquid robots” […]
Many congratulations to Anna Pittermannová for successfully defending her PhD thesis titled “Microfluidic fabrication of structured microparticles for controlled release applications” and earning her PhD degree. […]
Many congratulations to Ivana, Jakub and Jan for successfully defending their diploma theses and passing the state exams, thus earning the academic degree of Engineering (Ing.). […]
Many congratulations to Lucie Vidlářová for successfully defending her thesis “Effect of nanoformulations on the skin delivery of actives” and earning her PhD degree. Well done, […]
As the only academic representative from the Czech Republic, prof. Stepanek joined fellow ERC grantees at the event “Investing in Young Researchers, Shaping Europe’s Future” organised […]
Many congratulations to Marek Soltys for winning the WCPT8 Travel Grant, sponsored by Elsevier. Only 3 students from over 1000 participants have been selected.