6 March 2019
František Štěpánek and PhD student Marek Šoltys talk about The Parc on the Czech Television (19:30)15 April 2017
Interview with František Štěpánek in DVTV5 January 2017
Report about the Chemical Robotics Laboratory in Czech TV and Lecture at the Czech Center in Berlin.6 December 2016
František Štěpánek interviewed by Radek Jaroš about his passion for triathlon and science.21 July 2016
František Štěpánek sharing his thoughts about creative thinking and chemical robots at the Restart myšlení conference.14 May 2016
Jan Haša talking about chemical robots in the main news relation spot (15:27) of Czech televison about young scientists in research projects.17 February 2013
František Štěpánek in Studio 6 TV programme (Czech televison) “Česnekem proti infekciNovember 2010
The new generation of microscopic robots – ERC story about František Štěpánek11 November 2009
A report on chemical robotics was screened on the Czech TV station CT2 as part of the Port popular science series.27 July 2008
The launch of the CHOBOTIX project and the official opening ceremony of the newly refurbished Chemical Robotics Laboratory took place in the presence of the rector, prof. Josef Koubek, and a representative from the ERC, Mr. Kris Piot.
See report and live interview for download or as web stream in the Czech national TV (24:10 Rekordní grant pro mladého vědátora).
19 April 2018
František Štěpánek and Ondřej Kašpar on garlic antibiotics on Český rozhlas Dvojka27 February 2018
Svobodné Univerzum15 April 2013
Český rozhlas Plus4 July 2011
Český rozhlas – Zprávy
24 April 2010
Český rozhlas28 November 2009
Český rozhlas – Leonardo25 May 2009
Český rozhlas – Leonardo
19 April 2018
František Štěpánek and Ondřej Kašpar on garlic antibiotics on Český rozhlas Dvojka6 January 2017
Týden.czJanuary 2017
Marwick magazine
21 January 2016
Hospodářské noviny – EkonomOctober 2014
Lidové noviny
January 2014
The new generation of microscopic robots in Horizon 2020December 2013
Horizon – The EU Research and Innovation Magazine
April 2013
21. století
March 2013
Lidové noviny
September 2012
EchoAugust 2012
7.Rámcový program – Příběhy a výsledky4 July 2012
European Commission – Research and Inovations (pdf)16 May 2011
IEEE Pulse magazine (page 15)March 2011
Zpravodaj Ministerstva životního prostředí (pdf) (page 12)6 October 2010
Sanatate2 July 2010
Bulletins electroniques9 June 2010
Fithall magazín8 May 2010
Týden21 April 2010
Robotica19 January 2010
Lidové noviny25 December 2009
TýdenDecember 2009
SvětSeptember 2009
Třípól (pdf)3 September 2009
Plus 7 dníJuly 2009
Przegląd TechnicznyJune 2009
Czech Food Industry (page 20)23 June 2009
La Nación18 June 2009
NovinkyMay 2009
Research*EU Focus 04/200923 May 2009
Lidové Noviny20 May 2009
El País13 May 2009
BBC websiteApril 2009
Research*EU Focus 03/2009September 2008
Academic Bulletin (pdf)
Bulletin Chemických listů
Impuls magazine22 July 2008
www.inovace.cz27 June 2008
sms.czICTのプラハの研究者はFP7、欧州共同体フレームワークプログラム内で非常に成功している。ERCが資金提供するプロジェクトCHOBOTIX(スウォームロボティクスによる化学処理)、チェコ共和国では、その種の唯一のプロジェクトは、2008年6月1日にICTのプラハで始まった。 5年間の助成金は、その若い主任、助教授に授与されました。教授フランチシェク·ステパネク。