Conference contributions with full-text
- Aysan A., Štěpánek F. Synthesis of polycaprolactone composites for controlled release of erythromycin. V Proceedings of the 41st International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering. ISBN nebo ISSN: 978-80-89475-13-1, 2014, str. 658-663.
Gajdošová M., Sarvašová N., Pěček D., Štěpánek F. Measurement of the polymer swelling kinetics: comparison of mri imaging and texture analyzer. V Proceedings of the 41st International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering. ISBN nebo ISSN: 978-80-89475-13-1, 2014, str. 568-575.
- Holubová K., Grof Z., Štěpánek F. Quantifying the effect of filler particles presence in needle-shaped particles packing on particles breakage behaviour. V Proceedings of the 41st International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering. ISBN nebo ISSN: 978-80-89475-13-1, 2014, str. 1-11.
- Jakubec M., Štěpánek F. Characterization of the laccase substrates for preparation of enzyme/substrate particles by spray drying. V Proceedings of the 41st International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering. ISBN nebo ISSN: 978-80-89475-13-1, 2014, str. 718-722.
- Novák M., Štěpánek F., Čejková J. Research of non-biological chemotaxis. V Proceedings of the 41st International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering. ISBN nebo ISSN: 978-80-89475-13-1, 2014, str. 644-653.
- Pittermannová A., Bremod N., Bibette J., Štěpánek F. Characterization and synthesis of alginate microparticles using microfluidics device. V Proceedings of the 41st International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering. ISBN nebo ISSN: 978-80-89475-13-1, 2014, str. 735-741.
- Punčochová K., Beránek J., Heng JYY., Kazari SG.., Štěpánek F. Drug – polymer properties in solid dispersion and physical mixture and their effect to dissolution rate. V Proceedings of the 41st International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering. ISBN nebo ISSN: 978-80-89475-13-1, 2014, str. 397-406.
- Sarvašová N., Štěpánek F. The study of composite microparticles behavior in 3d differentiated model solid media. V Proceedings of the 41st International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering. ISBN nebo ISSN: 978-80-89475-13-1, 2014, str. 828-834.
- Smrčka D., Schöngut M., Štěpánek F. Granulation with active component in binder. V Proceedings of the 41st International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering. ISBN nebo ISSN: 978-80-89475-13-1, 2014, str. 765-774.
- Šoltys M., Kovačík P., Vidlářová L., Štěpánek F. Synthesis and characterization of composite hollow porous lipide/fe3o4/sio2 nanoparticles for controlled release of active substances. V Proceedings of the 41st International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering. ISBN nebo ISSN: 978-80-89475-13-1, 2014, str. 807-816.
- Ullrich M., Gorný D., Tokárová V., Štěpánek F. Preparation of liposomes-containing microparticles for drug targeting. V Proceedings of the 41st International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering. ISBN nebo ISSN: 978-80-89475-13-1, 2014, str. 787-792.
- Vidlářová L., Ulbrich P., Zbytovská J., Štěpánek F. Preparation and characterization of lipid nanoparticles containing lipophilic actives. V Proceedings of the 41st International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering. ISBN nebo ISSN: 978-80-89475-13-1, 2014, str. 817-822.
Other conference contributions
- Čejková J., Novák M., Štěpánek F. Mimicking of Cell Chemotaxis by Oil Droplets, ECIS2014 – the 28th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, Limassol, Cyprus
- Novák M., Čejková J., Štěpánek F. Chemotactic Movement of Oil Droplets in Salt Gradients, ECIS2014 – the 28th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, Limassol, Cyprus
- Ullrich M., Štěpánek F. Control of Release and Enzymatic Reaction Progress inside Magnetic Liposome Microgels, ECIS2014 – the 28th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, Limassol, Cyprus
- Šoltys M., Kovačík P., Vidlářová L., Sarvašová N., Štěpánek F. Composite Lipid/Fe3O4/SiO2 Mesoparticles for Remotely Controlled Release of Active Substances, ECIS2014 – the 28th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society, Limassol, Cyprus
- Čejková J., Janská P., Štěpánek F. Mimicking of spore behaviour by encapsulation of cells into gel microparticles, XXII International Conference on Bioencapsulation, Bratislava, Slovakia
- Pittermannová A., Bremond N., Bibette J., Štěpánek F. Synthesis of alginate microparticles using microfluidics device, XXII International Conference on Bioencapsulation, Bratislava, Slovakia
- Sládek V., Grof Z., Štěpánek F. Mathematical model for pharmaceutical tablets dissolution rate testing, 21st International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering CHISA 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
- Štěpánek F. Remote control of reaction-diffusion processes with chemical microrobots, 41th International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia
- Čejková J., Janská P., Štěpánek F. Investigation of biologically triggered break-up of microparticles, 41st International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia
- Kašpar O., Štěpánek F. Application of combined uv/vis spectroscopy and computed micro-tomography in structural analysis of granules, 41st International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia
- Tokárová V., Král V., Štěpánek F. Antibody-antigen interaction as an effective tool of particle targeting with pharmaceutical application, 41st International Conference of Slovak Society of Chemical Engineering, Tatranske Matliare, Slovakia
- Jakubec M., Kašpar O., Štěpánek F. Spray drying particles preparation for in situ production of unstable substances, XXII International Conference on Bioencapsulation, Bratislava, Slovakia
- Ullrich M., Štěpánek F. Controlled release and reaction kinetics in magnetic liposome microgels stable under isotonic conditions, UK Colloids 2014, London, UK
- Saloň I., Štěpánek F. Investigation of dispersion stability of modified glucan microcapsules for combined imaging and drug delivery, UK Colloids 2014, London, UK
Punčochová K., Beranek J., Štěpánek F. Properties of the solid solutions of poorly soluble drugs prepared by hot melt extrusion and spray drying, 9th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology, Lisbon, Portugal
Punčochová K., Beránek J., Ewing A, Kazarian S.G., Štěpánek F. Precipitation of poorly soluble drug during dissolution determined by MRI and ATR-FTIR Imaging, Poorly soluble drugs workshop, Lille, France
- Punčochová K., Beránek J., Ewing A, Kazarian S.G., Štěpánek F. Investigation of dissolution mechanisms by imaging methods, 10th Central European Symposium on Pharmaceutical Technology, Portorož, Slovenia
Punčochová K., Beránek J., Ewing A., Kazarian S.G., Štěpánek F. Investigation of dissolution mechanisms by imaging methods, AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA, USA
- Čejková J., Janská P., Štěpánek F. Biologically triggered release from artificial spores, 4th International Colloids Conference, Madrid, Spain
- Smrčka D., Dohnal J., Štěpánek F. Scale-up of pharmaceutical granulation with respect to structure-dissolution relationships, Particulate Processes in the Pharmaceutical Industry IV, Potsdam, Germany
- Sarvašová N., Štěpánek F. The adhesion of co mposite microparticles in 3D differentiated model solid media, 6th International Congress on Pharmaceutical Engineering (ICPE), Graz, Austria
- Gajdošová M., Sarvašová N., Pěček D., Štěpánek F. Study of the polymer swelling kinetics using MRI, 6th International Congress on Pharmaceutical Engineering (ICPE), Graz, Austria
- Sarvašová N., Dvořák J., Štěpánek F. The use of MRI technology for studying the adhesion of microparticles, MRS 2014, Boston, MA, USA
- Sarvašová N., Štěpánek F. MRI measurements in flow setting: 3D adhesion, PCI Users BRUKER 2014, Ettlingen, germany
Gajdošová M., Sarvašová N., Peček D., Štěpánek F. The use of MRI as a characterization technique for polymer swelling quantification, MRS 2014, Boston, MA, USA
- Holaň J., Štěpánek F., Ridvan L., Billot P. Design and Control of Co-crystallization Processes with Regard to Particle Size Distribution, ISIC19 (International Symposium on Industrial Crystallization), Toulouse, France
- Tokárová V., Král V., Pittermannová A., Štěpánek F. An effective tool of particle targeting to a cancer cell by the antibody-antigen interaction, 6th International Congress on Pharmaceutical Engineering (ICPE), Graz, Austria
- Kašpar O., Tokárová V., Oka S., Ramachandran R., Štěpánek F. Application of combined UV/VIS spectroscopy and computed tomography in analysis of granules, 6th International Congress on Pharmaceutical Engineering (ICPE), Graz, Austria
- Jakubec M., Kašpar O., Klimša V., Štěpánek F. Spray drying preparation of particles for in situ production of unstable active substances, AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA, USA
- Vidlářová L., Zbytovská J., Štěpánek F. Lipid nanoparticles for topical delivery of lipophilic actives, AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, CA, USA
- Vidlářová L., Zbytovská J., Štěpánek F. Lipid-based nanoparticles for delivery of lipophilic actives for dermal application, Skin forum Prague, Prague, Czech Republic
- Vidlářová L., Ulbrich P., Štěpánek F., Zbytovská J. Preparation and characterization of lipid nanocarriers containing ceramides, 6th International Congress on Pharmaceutical Engineering (ICPE), Graz, Austria